Acropole Decanter 750ml.
Acropole Decanter 750ml
A contemporary take on the classic profile, the Acropole glass whisky decanter brings on whimsical elegance to your liquor cabinet. Following the old-fashioned design of the Renaissance period, this classic whisky decanter is meticulously crafted from premium quality glass and boasts a smooth wide body narrowing down the base, perfect to flaunt the rich caramel-like color of the liquor. The beautiful etchings on the base and the seal amplify the sculptural quality of its silhouette. Besides offering you a sophisticated way to serve whisky to your guests, this exquisite piece ensures to fulfill its original purpose, that is, to preserve the quality of your whisky. It will make an ideal gift for a discerning drinker when coordinated with a matching set of glasses.
- Premium quality whisky decanter
- Made of glass
- Comes with an air-tight lid
- Smooth body with etched design on the base and the lid
- Ideal for storing whisky
- Holds a capacity of 0.75 L
- Dishwasher safe
Color: Clear
Material: Glass
Personalization: words, logos, clipart