Pyramide Whisky Glass 250ml.
Serve a classic in a modern style with this Old Fashion Whisky Glass Set by Globe on the Rocks. Each glass is crafted from ultra-clear lead-free crystal glass and boasts a thick base featuring an elegantly sculpted pyramid accent for a touch of visual appeal. This elegant-looking glass can hold 250 ml of whisky, manhattans, bourbon, scotch, and other old-fashioned drinks, making it a valuable addition to your entertaining arsenal.
- Fashioned from premium glass featuring a pyramid in the hefty sham base
- Eye-catching on the rocks base creates an impressively sculpted look and feel
- Base detail creates an illusion that your drink is literally on the rocks
- This glassware set is ideal for any home and bar
- Thick, weighted bottom enhances stability
- Accommodates oversized ice cubes/ whisky stones
- 250ml
Color: clear
Material: Glass
Personalization: words, logos, clipart